Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leading Small Groups (by ptr. vher cabarlo)

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Leading Small Groups
"An important foundation undergirding the role of a small group leader is the place of
the Holy Spirit within the group. Simply put, He is the unseen, but present group member
and leader... (The leader's) role is to facilitate the Holy Spirit's ministry in the members'
lives through planning and guiding the group's condensed form, there are
seven ministries the Holy Spirit performs..."—Neil H. McBride, How To Lead Small
Groups, p. 22.
1) He indwells—Rom. 8:9-11
2) He guides—John 16:13
3) He teaches—John 14:26
4) He convicts—John 16:8
5) He intercedes—Rom. 8:26
6) He enables with spiritual gifts—1 Cor. 12:11
7) He unifies—Eph. 4:3

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